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ARC Projects are a great way to make a big positive impact on both your learners and your colleagues with relatiely small input.
However it is important that the impact your ARC project has can be measured. This section will help you decide how your ARC project will be measured.
This can be revisited throughout your project and will help you to complete the evaluation section of the ARC cycle.
You might want to consider different types of measuring
You might want to consider who you will be measuring ?
How will you measure?
Here are some examples of measuring tools that you can use
Measure 4
By this point you should have a good understanding of how you are going to measure the impact of your project. You can return to this section at anypoint if and when needed. The next step is to run your Project and measure the progress.
When you are ready move to the Evaluate section to upload your work to date.
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