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Digital Learning

Providing you with access to learning. All the time, everywhere.

Andy Duffy

Head of Digital Learning

Digital technology is becoming the future in all industries, whether it be construction or business. Therefore, at BDC, we want to prepare you for this way of working. 

Your learning and productivity will be supported by the use of digital tools during your time at the college.  This will include apps such as:

- Google Classroom for your course materials   

   and assignments.

Gmail for communication from the college.

- Google Calendar for access to your timetable

Useful Apps:


How to add your timetable to your Google Calendar :

Timetables will be available from the 5th September. (9).gif

Step 1: Go to Gmail

Step 2: Open the email from iCal and copy the link

Step 3: Go to Google Calendar 

Step 4: Scroll down to 'Other Calendars' and click the '+' icon

Step 5: Click 'From URL' and paste in the link. 

Step 6: Click 'Add Calendar'

Useful Videos:

Digital Learning Contact Information:



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