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Community Blended Learning

ARC Project


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What happened?

ESOL Adults Team approached and have started implementing google classroom into the delivery of the programs. 


We started off with some basic training and sharing of good practice (Sept/Oct 2018). We also set up a team google classroom to share resources and ideas throughout the year as and when anything came up. 


This has encouraged me to start my own google classrooms in the community classes (John Perry PS, Thomas Arnold PS and Sue Bramley CC). I have been adding links to additional activities, articles and announcements for the learners throughout the year. 


Not all learners have been able to engage (see the next point), however it has been quite successful with those that were able to access it.


To further develop the use of this online learning platform within the ESOL Adults team, I have designed (together with two other teams within the college) a google form (see below) to find out more on the current use, skills and resources of each tutor in our area. This will be shared during the SDD or admin week and will feed into the next steps (as a team and for individual tutors).

Barriers along the way

There is no access to a computer room within the outreach centers, therefore only those who have access to the internet could get engaged. 


Most learners at Thomas Arnold PS are computer illiterate; some do not have smart phones. Therefore they could not benefit from the use of google classroom.


  • A great opportunity for extension/ additional tasks to support language content/ subject delivered

  • Learners that miss classes can catch up with work

  • Learners with additional support needs get more practice opportunities

  • Great tool for reminders and announcements

What was the impact on Teaching, Learning & Assessment?

  • Additional support/ practice available to develop language skills

  • Raised motivation and engagement of learners in developing their skills

  • Delivery adapted to the current trends in education- addressing needs of individual learners

  • Development of digital skills

What is the evidence for this?

Two google classrooms set up and used (see the images below).

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